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Departure guarantee

Risk free travel

Risk free travel

You will not lose your money even if you are flying to New Zealand!

The Departure Guarantee is a complementary service for RegioJet buses and trains. It pays all yellow line passengers heading to one of Europe’s airports. You are guaranteed a refund of the cost of a missed air ticket if there is a delay in a connection. Paying just an extra € 3,9 per person is worth it. After all, the missed air ticket is much more expensive.

It's simple

The Departure Guarantee service is available online when booking a ticket or directly at the point of sale when buying a ticket. You can decide to do it up to 24 hours before you leave for the bus or train connection. It is easy to order it for your already purchased ticket.

When it looks like a delay

Our goal is to get you to your flight on time. We will do our utmost to do so, including providing alternative transport. If you still do not get your flight, we will refund you the full amount for the missed flight, including airport charges. When you rebook your ticket, you will get paid the difference between the price of the new and the original air ticket.

RegioJet buses and trains go to European airports every day

We will take you to all major international airports comfortably, safely and with superior service.

Please do not forget

We provide the Departure Guarantee service only if the minimum time is kept. When planning your timetable, therefore, think about a long enough time between the arrival of the RegioJet connection according to the timetable and the departure time of the aircraft. If this condition is not met, the Guarantee does not apply.

  • min. 2,5 hours - flights to the Schengen area
  • min. 3,5 hours - outside the Schengen area

Frequently asked questions

    Please ask your airline for a missed departure confirmation. The written form must have the airline’s stamp. The electronic form (e-mail) must have the airline’s electronic signature. The documents must be submitted to RegioJet within 30 days of the missed departure.

    This supplementary service is irrevocable, so the fee for it is not refunded to the passenger.

    If you are travelling to a non-airport destination. In this case, you will not be offered the service in the sales system.

    If you have a transfer ticket in any combination of a RegioJet train or bus or a partner carrier, the service is available and we recommend it. Your whole trip must be on one ticket. The guarantee applies only to the ticket for which it is purchased.

    The departure guarantee covers all connections operated by STUDENT AGENCY, k.s., RegioJet a.s. and other partner carriers (e.g. DeutscheBahn, SAD Prešov and others).

We will be pleased to answer your questions

Send us an email or call +420 222 222 221. We are here for you at our customer service.